hello, lovely!
Well my friend, you’ve heard the words. You’ve said them to your kids, your friends, and your BFF. You’ve said them to yourself … A.LOT.
I’ve said them to myself too. And at a point in my 40+ years (cue wise grin), I asked myself what do they really even mean? When life is full of stress, mommy-ing, marriage, and careers aren’t exactly easy, life-changing diagnosis’s or devastating news can come without notice… can we really choose to “be brave”? “fearless” Like no fear? Really? And free?
My name is Nicole K. Montez and I empower women, moms and entrepreneurs to live a BFF Life.
Been there. Tried it. Worked harder and longer. Was nicer. Did more. With every single situation, diagnosis, or life-changing event, we can have our BFF.
Our brave, fearless, and free.
Read all the books and attended the seminars. Wore the right clothes. Said the right things, followed the rules … and life still happened.
It was then I connected the dots. What does all this mean? It means having the true definition of a BFF. Not a best friend forever, but our very own BFF.
A Brave, Fearless and Free life.
A BFF life with courage, faith, and without the labels that hold us back. A life in which we can make more decisions, get un-stuck and live whole heartedly.
There is a way we can overcome. Live our best life, and embrace our perfect life journey.

When my first daughter Ali was born, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. With Alex just two weeks old and me just twenty-five, I found myself in a stale, white hospital room, having a conversation with four people: the CF doctor, the nurse, a social worker, and a nutritionist.
I sat almost numb as they matter-of-factly explained that children born with CF have a 50% chance of making it through childhood. That her disease can devastate most families financially and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for care throughout her life.
As I heard them describe all that would limit and challenge us, I felt shocked and devastated. I don’t remember hearing a single positive word. This was not the life I had imagined. What would this mean for my family? What would this mean for me?
A Brave, Fearless and Free life.
A BFF life with courage, faith, and without the labels that hold us back. A life in which we can make more decisions, get un-stuck and live whole heartedly.
Here’s the truth: with every single situation, diagnosis, or life-changing event, we have our BFF. Our brave, fearless, and free.
I began to think not about the limits for Ali, but the possibilities.
It’s now my passion to help women live a BFF life.
My Core Values

the Official Version
Here’s the truth: with every single situation, diagnosis, or life-changing event, we have a choice.
At the age of twenty-five, after learning of her newborn daughter’s diagnosis with a life-threatening, fatal disease called Cystic Fibrosis, Nicole Montez chose not to think about the limits of the situation, but the possibilities. Deciding that failure was not an option, Nicole broke records, creating what most only dream of: a thriving, multi-million dollar home business.
She is a master certified lifecoach, NLP trainer, and a highly respected veteran of the network marketing industry, and through her elite programs she’s supported and guided professional women and gained the esteemed mentorship of some of the world’s finest leaders and experts.
In 2011 after losing her father to suicide she found herself in a familiar state of heartache. Again, she used that heartache to make a profound impact on other and founded The BFF Life as a way of living, which empowers women to live a brave, fearless and free life. Exactly as she lives every, equipping women with the power to embrace and own their personal life journeys with courage, faith and freedom.
As a sought-after transformational speaker and conversation connoisseur, and International Best Selling Author, Nicole has lived a story of courage and triumph that inspires live audiences nationwide. Her story will now be impacting millions more as it will be featured in her new book series, The Bff Series, with book 1; Raising Ali now available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Although her life and efforts have catapulted her to the top, her favorite place is home, as the mother of two amazing young ladies, Alexandra and Isabella, who closely follow in her footsteps as talented and driven young women. Nicole resides and thrives in Parker, CO, sharing the ultimate lifestyle with her incredible family.
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